Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The Second Epistle of Saint Pavl to Timothee

He exhorteth him to labour diligently in his office, considering the reward in Christ, & his denial of them that him: 14 Not to contend, but to shun heretikes: neither to be moued to see some subuerted, considering that the elect continue Catholikes, and that in the Church be of al sortes. 24 Yet with al sweetenes to reclaime the deceiued.
1. THOV therfore, my sonne, be strong in the grace which is in Christ Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ: 2. and the things which thou hast heard of me by many witnesses, these commend to faithful men, which shal be fit to teach others also. 3. Labour thou as a good souldiar of Christ Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ. 4. No man being a souldiar to God, intangleth himself with secular businesses; that he may please him to whom he hath approued himself. 5. For he also that striueth for the maisterie, is not crowned vnlesse he striue lawfully. 6. The husband-man that laboureth, must first take of the fruits. 7. Vnderstand what I say: for our Lord wil giue thee in al things vnderstanding. 8. Part of the Epistle vpon S. Georges day. The rest is pa. 542. Be mindful that our Lord Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ Christ is risen againe from the dead, of the seed of Dauid, according to my Ghospel, 9. wherein I labour euen vnto bands, as a malefactour: but the word of God is not tied. 10. Therfore Marke here that the elect (though sure of saluation) yet are saued by meanes of their Preachers and Teachers, as also by their own endeauours. I sustaine al things for the elect, that they also may obtaine the saluation, which is in Christ Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ, with heauenly glorie. 11. A faithful saying. For if we be dead with him, we shal liue also together. 12. If we shal sustaine, we shal also reigne together. Mat. 10. If we shal deny, he also wil denie vs. 13. Ro. 3,3. If we beleeue not; he continueth faithful, he can not denie himself. 14. These things admonish: testifying before our Lord. Contend not in word, for it is profitable for nothing, but for the subuersion of them that heare. 15. Carefully prouide to present thy self approued to God, a worke-man not to be confounded, rightly handling the word of truth. 16. But See the Annotations before 1. Tim. 6. v. 20. prophane and vaine speaches auoid: for they doe much grow to impietie: 17. and their speach spreadeth as a canker: of whom is Hymenæus and Philetus: 18. who haue erred from the truth, saying that the resurrection is done already, and haue subuerted the faith of some. 19. But the sure foundation of God standeth, hauing this seale, Our Lord knoweth, who be his, and let euery one depart from iniquitie that nameth the name of our Lord. 20. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of siluer, but also of wood and of earth: and certaine indeed vnto honour, but certaine vnto contumelie. 21. If any man therfore shal cleanse himself from these, he shal be a vessel vnto honour, sanctified & profitable to our Lord, prepared to euery good worke. 22. But youthful desires fly, and pursue iustice, faith, charitie, and peace with them that inuocate our Lord from a pure hart. 23. And Tit. 3,9. foolish and vnlearned questions auoid, knowing that they ingender brauls. 24. But the seruant of our Lord must not wrangle: but be mild toward al men, apt to teach, patient, 25. with modestie admonishing them that resist the truth: lest sometime Conuersion from sinne & heresie is the guift of God and of his special grace: yet here we see, good exhortations and prayer and such other helps of man be profitable thereunto. Which could not be if we had not free wil. God giue them repentance to know the truth: 26. and they recouer themselues from the snares of the diuel, of whom they are held captiue at his wil. ANNOTATIONS. Cʜᴀᴘ. II. 4. No man being a souldiar.) First of al, the Apostle (1 Cor. 7.) maketh mariage & the needful cares, solicitude, and distractions therevpon euer depending, special impediments of al such as should employ them selues vvholy to Gods seruice, as Bishops & Priests are bound to do. He that is vvith a vvife (saith he) is careful for the vvorld, hovv to please his vvife, and is distracted or deuided. 1 Cor. 7.
Secondly, the practise of Physicke, merchandise, or any other profane facultie and trade of life to gather riches, and much more to be giuen to hunting, hauking, gamening, shevves, enterludes, or the like pastimes, is here forbidden.
What secularaffaires doe not agree nor consist with spiritual mens function.
Thirdly, the seruices of Princes and manifold base offices done to them for to obtaine dignities and promotions, are disagreable to Priestly functions. not so, to be their chaplens for this purpose to preach vnto them, to heare their confessions, to minister the Sacraments vnto them, to say Diuine seruice before them, and such other spiritual dueties. for, al such seruices done to principal persons both of the Clergie and Laitie, be godly and consonant to Priestly vocation.
How spiritual men may serue secular Princes, & deale in ciuil causes.
As also seruing of Princes and Commonvveales in ciuil causes and matters of state, in making peace and quietnes among the people, by deciding or compounding their controuersies, and al such like affaires tending to the honour of God and good of men, and to the vpholding of true religion, vvhen they may be done vvithout notorious damage or hinderance of their spiritual charge, or vvhen the hurtes thereof be aboundantly recompensed by the necessarie dueties done for the general good of kingdom or Countrie: al such things (I say) be lavvful and often very requisite. And S. Augustine, S. Ambrose, S. Bernard, and other holy Bishops of old vvere much occupied therein, as vve see in S. Augustines booke de opere Monachorum c. 29. & Possid. in vit. c. 19. in vit. S. Ambr. & Bern.
15. Rightly.) Catholikes only, right handlers of the Scripture.
The Scriptures or chalenge of the vvord of God is common to Catholikes and Heretikes; but al is in the handling of them. these later handle them guilefully, adultering the vvord of God, as *els vvhere the Apostle speaketh: the other sincerely after the maner of the Apostles and doctors of Gods Church. Vvhich the Greeke expresseth by a significant vvord of cutting a thing straight by a line, ὀϱθοτομοὺντα.
2 Cor. 2 & 4.
17. Their speache.) Heretical books and sermons are to be auoided.
The speaches, preachings, and vvritings of Heretikes be pestiferous, contagious, and creeping like a canker. therfore Christian men must neuer heare their sermons nor read their bookes. For such men haue a popular vvay of talke vvhereby the vnlearned, and specially vvomen loden vvith sinne, are easily beguiled. Nothing is so easy (saith S. Hierom) as vvith voluble and rolling tong to deceiue the rude people, vvhich admire vvhatsoeuer they vnderstand not. Ep. 2. ad Nepot. c. 10.
20. In a great house.) Who are out of the Church or within it.
He meaneth not that Hymenæus and Philétus (of vvhom he spake immediatly before) or other heretikes, be properly vvithin the Church, as catholike men are, though greuous sinners: but that euil men vvho for the punishment of their sinnes become heretikes, vvere before they fell from their faith as vessels of contumelie, vvithin the Church. Yea and often also after they be seuered in hart and in the sight of God, so long as they stand in external profession and vse of the same Sacraments, and in the outvvard fellovvship of Catholikes, not yet either separated of them selues, nor cast out by the gouernours of the Church, so long (we say) they be after a sort in the Church: though properly and in deede they be out of the compasse of Gods house. Mary of those that are openly seuered in Sacraments, Seruice, and communion, there is no question but they are out of the Church.
21. Cleanse himself.) Free-wil.
Man then hath free vvil to make him self a vessel of saluation or damnation: though saluation be attributed to Gods mercie principally, the other to his iust iudgement: neither of both being repugnant to our free vvil, but vvorking vvith and by the same, al such effectes in vs as to his prouidence and our deserts be agreable.